Have you uttered any of these phrases?
I hate HOAs, too many restrictions!
HOAs are too much government!
The Board never listens!
My HOA does nothing for me!
HOAs aren’t all bad. While they restrict you from doing certain things, they also restrict your neighbors from doing the same things.
How many times have you bought a home saying "I will live there forever?" Many people are buying their first home or a 5 - 7 year home because they have a plan to move soon. HOAs can help the neighborhood keep it's property values which indirectly benefiting all members when they sell.
Reversely, if homes are unkempt, the common areas are unkempt or broken down fences and vehicles, it could have an affect on property values which become a disadvantage to all members when they sell.

If you can’t stand living in a neighborhood with RVs, trash cans or boats in sight of the road, or if you can’t stand bright blue and red homes in your neighborhood an HOA could be a great choice for you. CC&Rs create a sense of uniformity that helps to increase and sustain home values. There are some HOAs that have amenities so you will also enjoy the amenities!
Lastly, Don't get tripped up by a home in a HOA if you cannot live with these basic rules, read the governing documents before you buy. HOAs are here to stay and you may make the place where you live a nightmare if you choose to not mentally join the HOA because once you buy that home you have already physically joined.
5 Tips to have a better HOA:
Hire an HOA management company for the day-to-day operations that help the board work on the HOA's behalf.
Join the HOA board or a Committee
Get involved in your HOA
Do your part in the HOA
Get to know your neighbors, you have at least one thing in common: Your Neighborhood.

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